Sydney indie rock outfit Restless Leg are releasing their fourth album Dance Around My Head on Fri 21 June (through Sinister Porpoise Records), and then from 3pm on Saturday 3 August will be hitting Sonic Sherpa for a free, all ages instore in celebration of the new opus!

Restless Leg feature members of Oz rock luminaries such as Peabody, Bluebottle Kiss, Infinity Broke and The Exile Co, and the new album was recorded by Jason Whalley (Frenzal Rhomb) and produced by Jamie Hutchings (Bluebottle Kiss) so you know it’s got that stamp of Down Under quality!

They’re a great band and it promises to be an awesome afternoon of ’90s-inspired indie rock, as always it’s free and all ages so we’ll see you in the 4120!

WHO: Restless Leg

WHAT: Dance Around My Head (Sinister Porpoise)

WHEN: Sat 3 June @ 3pm

WHERE: Sonic Sherpa

WHY: Too many questions, just do it!